Collierville Middle School Athletics

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All teams and activities with Collierville Schools are to follow the weather policies below.


Each school is responsible for obtaining either a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature or Heat Index reading at the site of practices and competitions. Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) takes into account more environmental factors than heat index and should be a school’s first choice when evaluating conditions and planning activities. In the absence of a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature reading, a digital psychrometer or other instrument may be used at the site of the activity to measure the heat index. The use of a weather app on a cell phone is permissible to measure heat index if no other instrument is available to measure heat index at the site of the practice or competition.

A cold water immersion tub or other form of rapid on-site cooling should be available for all warm weather practices. If exertional heat stroke is suspected, use immersion for on-site cooling before transporting to the hospital.

WBGT 82.0 – 86.9 or Heat Index Under 95 Degrees Heat Index

  •  Provide at least three separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 3 minutes each during the workout.

WBGT 87 to 89.9 or Heat Index of 95 Degrees to 99 Degrees

    •   Maximum practice time is 2 hours.
    •   For All Sports: Provide at least four separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 4 minutes each.
    •   For Football: Players are restricted to helmet, shoulder pads, and shorts during practice that does not involve contact, and all protective equipment must be removed during conditioning activities. If the WBGT rises to this level during practice, players may continue to work out wearing football pants without changing to shorts.                                                                                       

WBGT 90 to 92 or Heat Index of 100 Degrees to 104 Degrees

      •   Maximum practice time is 1 hour.
      •   For All Sports: There must be 20 minutes of rest breaks distributed throughout the hour of

      practice and no conditioning activities.

      •   For Football: No protective equipment may be worn during practice that does not involve contact.

      Above 92.0 WBGT or Heat Index Above 104 Degrees

      No outdoor practice. An outdoor practice cannot take place until WBGT level is 92.0 or below or heat index is 104 or below.

      •  Competitions must be postponed in the absence of an appropriate health care professional with access to a cold water immersion tub or other rapid on-site cooling method. Under no circumstances can an outdoor practice or scrimmage take place in these conditions.


      Frequently Asked Questions

      Q. If a Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer is available and the WBGT reading exceeds 92.0, can a psychrometer or cell phone be used to get a more favorable reading so that practice can take place?

      A. No. If a Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer is available, the reading that it gives and the resulting modifications from the policy must be used.

      Q. If the WBGT is in excess of 92.0 or the heat index is in excess is in excess of 104, is it permissible to play a regular season contest?

      A. This is only permissible if two conditions are met. First, there must be an appropriate health care professional present. Second, there must a cold water immersion tub or other rapid cooling method available for the appropriate health care professional to use in case of heat related emergency. If there is no appropriate health care professional present, or there is no rapid cooling method ready to use, there can be no competition.

      Q. If the WBGT is in excess of 92.0 or the heat index is in excess is in excess of 104, is it permissible to proceed with a practice or preseason scrimmage?

      A. No. Preseason scrimmages are considered practice. Under no circumstances can a practice proceed when the WBGT exceeds 92.0 or heat index exceeds 104.

      Q. If practice is limited to 1 hour due to the WBGT reading, can we have a second practice later in the day?

      A. This would be permissible provided that students have at least three hours of continuous rest in a cool environment after the first practice. Football has additional restrictions which does not permit multiple practice days on consecutive days.

      Q. Can an administrator or certified athletic trainer take a WGBT or heat index reading at the school and distribute the results to coaches via email or text along with the appropriate modifications that must be followed for practice?

      A. Yes. Ideally readings should be taken at the site of each practice and competition, but a single designee who relays all relevant information to all individuals conducting practice can be the most effective way to ensure that all responsible parties have the information they need to make the appropriate modifications.

      Q. WBGT reading is 89 at the beginning of practice which began at 10:00 AM (Maximum practice time is 2 hours with WBGT 87-89.9). At 10:30 AM an assistant coach checks the wet bulb globe thermometer and the WBGT reading is 91 (Maximum practice time is 1 hour WBGT 90- 92). What time should practice end?

      A. The modifications for practice should be followed based on the most recent reading taken for WBGT or Heat Index. In this case practice must end at 11:00 AM.

      Q. What is the best kind of Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer(s) to buy for our school?

      A. A Google search of Wet Bulb Globe Thermometers will yield a wide array of models with various features and prices. As mentioned in the initial letter, some models produce results that can be sent to all coaches or club sponsors in charge of students at outdoor sports and activities. If your school is serviced by a certified athletic trainer, check with them for a recommendation. If not, you may want to check with your office of coordinated school health.

      Korey Stringer Institute Prevention Link


      Student-Athletes should not participate in outdoor activities below 32 degrees. Coaches are asked to use good judgement with cold temperatures. When school is closed for inclement weather, all sports and extracurricular activities are also cancelled unless given permission for activity. 


      When severe weather is forecast, protocol and chain of command for suspension of play should be discussed in the pregame meeting with the officials. These guidelines provide a default policy to those responsible or sharing duties for making decisions concerning the suspension and restarting of practices and contests based on the presence of lightning or thunder.